
Quantarium Value

The Quantarium Value displayed in connection with a property is computer-generated by the application of various proprietary artificial intelligence techniques using currently available local market, licensed and proprietary data. The displayed Quantarium Value is not prepared or provided by a licensed appraiser, does not constitute an appraisal of the subject property, and should not be relied upon as such. Data used to generate the Quantarium Value does not include information that could be derived from a visible and physical inspection of the subject property and its surroundings. The condition of a property can materially affect the accuracy of a property’s Quantarium Value. The data, and information derived from such data, in a Quantarium Value is provided on an “AS AVAILABLE” and “AS IS” basis and is provided for informational purposes only. Although we have attempted to provide reliable data and use reliable methodologies in providing a property’s Quantarium Value, Quantarium, its affiliates and their respective members, directors, officers and employees make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of a property’s Quantarium Value on any specific date and expressly disclaim the obligation to update such value. All uses of the Quantarium Value are at the user’s sole risk, and shall be for internal use and for no other purpose.

Quantarium and its affiliates and their respective members, directors, officers and employees are not liable for the accuracy of a property’s Quantarium Value or any information related thereto. Your use of Quantarium Value must in all cases comply with all applicable laws and regulations.